Bamboo Paper Towels Vs Regular Paper Towels
Do you ever wonder what’s different in bamboo paper towel compare to regular paper towel? Why it is bamboo paper towels are great alternative to conventional paper towels? Let’s know little more about this reusable paper towels that are made from 100% bamboo fiber.

Coming from the fact that use of bamboo paper towels can help us protect the environment by reducing energy and plastic waste, it can also help you save money as it is washable and reusable!
Come to think of it, trees doesn’t grow fast, it takes takes 30 years to produce a full grown tree that can help absorb the carbon and make it as a habitats. It also need more water in the process of trees production, and when cutting it down it involves large and heavy machineries that consume a lot of fuel just to meet the demands of the paper towel.
While Bamboo grows itself without any fertilizer or chemical and shine in its own remarkable characteristics, bamboo is awarded by Guinness Book of Records as the Fastest Growing Plant, it is a grass that re-grows as soon as its been cut, it doesn’t need a lot of water to live.
In terms of appearance of bamboo paper towels, it looks thicker and feels softer than regular paper towels. However it’s much better option over conventional paper towel as bamboo towels are tree free reusable, and washable.
Bamboo paper towels are also sturdier and more absorbent than the regular paper towel, which means instead of using multiple sheet of the regular paper towel, you can just use one bamboo paper towel for the spills and reuse that again later rather dumping it.
Bamboo Paper Towels VS Regular Paper Towels
And because bamboo paper towels are reusable up to 100 times, you can save the environment by reducing your paper waste while saving your money.
Studies shows that the paper towel waste is consist of 3,000 tons of paper each day. The more paper towel waste we consume the more trees are cut to produce single product each day.
We know that each one of us, is aiming for a greener life to help the environment and save the mother earth. But just doesn’t know where to start. We at Enviro Safe Home, can help you to start now!!