Are you also wondering why everybody talking about bamboo products these days? What is special about bamboo plant? Why they are better than trees? How they can help saving planet?
If you have all the above questions in mind, you are not alone… Climate change is one of the biggest issue and making every possible effort to save planet is our responsibility. Read further to know why choosing bamboo product is better option over other tree based product and how ultimately that helps ecosystem.
Following are the Bamboo features:
Fastest Growing Grass: Yes, Bamboo is type of grass!! Depending on the species, bamboo can grow enough in one to four years and be ready for harvesting… other trees like Oak, takes at least 40 years to mature before they can be harvested.
It can grow in different climate conditions like in drought areas, low wetland or high elevation areas on mountain. Some species of bamboo grows more than 3ft every day… none other plant in the world grows faster than this.
Environment Friendly: Bamboo releases 35% more oxygen into atmosphere and absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It grows naturally without any chemical fertilizer, pesticides or herbicides. Unlike cotton plant, which is one of the most sprayed plant, and ultimately affects soil’s nutrients.
Versatile Use: Bamboo plant can be used to make wide variety of products using different parts of the plant, ranging from soil enriching mulch to a decorative furniture to kitchen utensils to soft fabrics etc.
Bamboo can be used to replace use of nearly any tree based products like paper, flooring, furniture, charcoal, building material, household cleaning supply, fabrics etc.
Based on the facts above, if people stop using disposable paper products and instead start using reusable bamboo unpaper products, it can prevent waste of 3000 tons of paper every day, isn’t that amazing?? You can unknowingly contribute in saving the planet.