Enviro Safe Home – The Brand Of Tree Free Products

Part of the mission at ecobou is to help you navigate the “hows” and “whats” of a sustainable lifestyle; this includes the types of products that you need and use every day at home and at work. We know you’re busy, so we’ve done the homework for you.
Ecobou has discovered a great line of products that will help you not only live sustainably, but also greatly reduce paper waste and save money. Yes, we’ve heard it many times: environmentally friendly products are expensive. We know that you’re on a budget. By reusing products, you’re saving the planet and your cash!
The unifying material for the eco friendly household products made by Enviro Safe Home is bamboo. The key factor in manufacturing products from bamboo is the growth rate of the plants; they are literally weeds and can grow a meter in a couple of weeks. Less water is needed to produce paper-style items than is needed to make pulp from trees, so another bonus. When you bring to mind that millions of trees are lost every year to the manufacturing of paper, and 3,000 tons (2,722 tons) of paper are thrown out daily, bamboo stands out in the fight against unnecessary waste.
Let’s look at the environmental benefits of four products from Enviro Safe Home.

Reusable Bamboo Paper Towels
Like regular paper towels in terms of uses, these bamboo towels are biodegradable and can be wash
ed 85 times, and they don’t hang on to odors or molds. Because bamboo is so absorbent, they tackle spills quickly and are easily rinsed out. Use them for cooking prep, clean-ups and even on floors! Check out more about Enviro Safe Home Reusable Bamboo Paper Towels

Reusable & Disposable Bamboo Paper Towels
Designed for busy people who just don’t have the time to wash their paper towels, the disposable version of bamboo paper towels contains 50 reusable sheets per roll, each sheet is the equivalent to 60 regular paper towel sheets. And because bamboo is biodegradable, you can won’t feel guilty about chucking them with the green trash. They can be used many times before being tossed if you just rinse after use. Find all the details about Enviro Safe Home Reusable & Disposable Bamboo Paper Towels

Dish Cloths and Kitchen Rags
Traditional dish cloths and kitchen rags are usually made from cotton or cotton blends which use enormous amo
unts of water to manufacture; these are made from bamboo fiber, which consumes much less water in the processing. They are two-ply and highly absorbent, easy to wash in the washer and can be put in the dryer; line-drying is better for the planet, though! The purchase of an 8-pack gives you 2 large 10”x12” and 6 medium 7”x9” dish cloths, and they’ll last a long time. It’s suggested you wash their dish cloths and kitchen rags before first use; it will make them softer and easy to work with. You can learn more about Enviro Safe Home Dish Cloths & Kitchen Rags Bamboo Dish Cloths & Kitchen Rags

Dish Cloths – Washable Sponges
Also made from bamboo, these sponges won’t scratch any surfaces. They measure 5”x7”, so a complementary fit for the hand, and come with an attached loop, Since they are made from Bamboo, its expected to shrink after first wash , however they are perfect hand held size to get the job done. It’s recommended to line dry only to avoid excess shrinking. They dry quickly. Here is where you can get more info about Enviro Safe Home Bamboo Dish Cloths – Washable Sponges
A big green thumbs up to Enviro Safe Home for helping us all live a more planet-friendly lifestyle.